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which kind of magma produces a quiet volcanic eruption

Volcanic eruptions can be volatile, sending ash tree, flatulence and lava high up into the atmosphere, or the magma can form lava flows, called effusive eruptions. Whether an eruption is explosive or effusive largely depends upon the measure of swash in the magma.

Explosive eruptions

If a lot of gas is trapped within magma, pressure will build and build until eventually the magma erupts explosively out of the vent. It's a trifle like a feeding bottle of fizzy pop: gas is trapped in the liquid simply if you shake the bottle the gas wants to escape. This builds pressure indoors the bottle and when you release the pressure away opening the bottle, the gas rushes out of the whirligig carrying more or less of the liquid state with it.

Phreatomagmatic eruptions are a type of explosive eruption that results from magma erupting through water. The sec phase of the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption in 2010 was phreatomagmatic as a resolution of magma erupting low ice. Some submarine volcanoes are phreatomagmatic if the magma is gas-rich, for example Surtsey in Republic of Iceland. This bam formed a new island.

Explosive eruptions can form pyroclastic flows that sweep down valleys, destroying everything in their way of life. They also send ash high into the atmosphere, forming plumes.

Effusive eruptions

If a magma has low viscosity (it is runny), gas tush outflow well, so when the magma erupts at the surface it forms lava flows. These eruptions are (relatively!) mild, effusive eruptions. If a magma rises very slowly within the conduit. or throat, of the volcano, all the gas can escape. When the magma is viscous (or sticky), it privy't menstruate when it reaches the surface, so it builds up forming a lava dome.

which kind of magma produces a quiet volcanic eruption

Source: https://www.bgs.ac.uk/discovering-geology/earth-hazards/volcanoes/eruption-styles/

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